CAERDROIA has a provocative
post on " cultural marxism " - the bastardized, quasi-religious movement infecting our institutions of higher learning so that they produce thoughtless and time-wasting exercises in nihilism like " whiteness studies " ( an incoherent brew of anti-white racism and hate-America polemics). Some of the more radical Women's Studies programs are equally goofy, overtly political and without educational merit.
Here's a money quote from Caerdroia:
"In any evangelistic movement, there are only two ways to end the movement. Either a competing axiom set must arise, which makes a better fit with the needs of the people exposed to it, or the evangelists must be killed. It is in the nature of evangelism to be persistent and coercive. Otherwise, an evangelist is unlikely to convert anyone to his belief system. It is also in the nature of evangelistic movements to be based on logically-shaky foundations, because if the foundations were logically formed, evangelism would be unnecessary; reason would be sufficient to convince people of the utility of the belief system. "