Juan Cole has reported the following today on his
"*The Sunni clerics of al-Azhar Seminary in Cairo have issued a new fatwa requiring Muslim states to seek nuclear weapons. The ruling says that for Muslim states to renounce such weapons while non-Muslim governments have them would be a horrible mistake. Muslims, the clerics said, have a duty to strive to be as powerful as their enemies. –Az-Zaman "
Quite simply, radical Islamist regimes that attempt to develop nuclear weapons will either be forced to give up such programs under international pressure or the United States will dismantle those programs using military force by invading and forcing a change of regime. This includes Iran. Is this fair in an abstract sense ? No but it is a matter of survival as the Islamists are both impervious to reason and fanatical enemies of the United States they need to be relegated to the same level as Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan. Their avowed hatred will be treated seriously for what it is - a desperate wish for our destruction.