Prometheus 6 responded to my reluctant ( I hate jumping on bandwagons) Hillary! posting:
"The idea of a Hillary Clinton presidential candidacy is much like the idea of a unicorn. Such a creature could exists… it just doesn't. A Clinton candidacy would do more to energize the Republican base than the return of the Gipper himself. And a Clinton win would likely signal the start of the four year period that culminates in the Second War of Secession.
Not that I'd mind if she won. It would bring the day we see a Black president that much closer. But if you want to gain power you don't set up your own obstacles. Sen. Clinton would be just as useful and convincing as Majority Leader and far less of an obstacle to regaining and leeping the presidency.
She's due for a major increase in influence, and yeah, the book is probably part of setting the stage for that. But not as POTUS
I would have to admit Hillary drives some folks on my side bannanas in a psychologically visceral way that " W " does to some kinds of liberals. The idea of Hillary as Senate minority leader is an intriguing one though I'm not certain if she's a clubby enough personality for that difficult a role - getting senators to go along with something is a lot like herding cats. On the other hand HRC could represent her party with total message discipline and raise a lot of cash so if Daschle departs she could easily vie to replace him. Walking away from a presidential run where she could win at least the nomination would torment her to the end of her days - people who live and breathe politics like LBJ or Hillary or Nixon suffer terribly when they end up " out of the loop " so I'm betting she goes for the brass ring.