A host of corrupt, poorly governed and illiberal third world states are loudly demanding that
the internet - a creation of the genius of American scientists that has expanded across the globe mostly through the effort of private individuals - be controlled by the UN as a " public resource ". A degree of socialistic hubris that appears to be too much even for the French to stomach.
Let's be honest - these third world kleptocrats and theo-fascists want UN control over the internet to keep their own people ignorant, malleable, powerless and poor while establishing opportunities to line their own pockets at the expense of the West. The good news is they are without any ability to garner such a concession without the United States stupidly giving it to them ( expect to read in a few years some knucklehead from State explaining off-record to the New York Times why we have to cave on this issue in order to secure the good opinion of some political boss in a Brazilian backwater or a fulminating imam in a Yemeni mosque ).
If ever there was a task for John Bolton to come out and scandalize elite beltway opinion with an " in your face " rejection this is it.