I'm currently ploughing through three very different books at a very uneven pace ( I also have the habit of randomly picking up old books off the shelf, opening to a page and then read from there - I did that yesterday for some reason with an Andrei Amalrik book) but enjoying them all enough so far for a recommendation to be given out. They are:
Islam in History by Bernard Lewis
Human Accomplishment by Charles Murray
The Adams-Jefferson Letters edited by Lester J. Cappon
The intellectual power of Adams and Jefferson in their later years is simply stunning, even if you get the impression that Jefferson is not entirely truthful when he writes that he had given up newspapers for Thucydides. Their ideas on revolution and history, particularly classical history, are worth the price of the book alone and have inspired me to pick up a copy of
Defense of the Constitutions of the United Statesin the near future.