Many of the new additions to the blogroll are bloggers who themselves have a primary interest in the Mideast. First, noted historian and HNN blogger Judith Klinghoffer of
Deja Vu returns - her blog was knocked off Zenpundit by the great Blogrolling crash of '03 and in my infinite laziness I just got around to the restoration. Secondly, is
Collounsbury, a Middle East and North African specialist and investor who frequently travels widely in the region, including Iraq. Third is the well-known neoconservative academic and columnist
Daniel Pipes whose strongly argued views often provoke commentary.
The other new additions are a diverse lot. I'd like to welcome
Andis Kaulins of
Lawpundit and also the academic group blog
No Left Turns (of whom John Moser had a good
HNN article running last week)and the tech oriented
Zentelligence. Check them out and enjoy !