go here.
The ideology of political Islam, of building an authoritarian dictaorship based on a harsh and selective interpretation of the Sharia has revealed itself as a addicted to pointless nihilism and oriental cruelty. The actions of
the Jihadis in Russia, murdering some children and torturing others with stifling confinement and denial of food, water and perhaps worse is simply barbarism. It is also the logical conclusion of the hate-filled, brainwashing doctrines preached in the Madrassas and Mosques, funded by Saudi money and manipulated by agents of Pakistan's ISI.
The White House spokesman announced support for Russia as a matter of course but a presidential speech might be more appropriate. A gesture that indicates genuine solidarity and support for those who have been victimized by radical Islamists is an important diplomatic signal to send. As would a change of policy to immediately expedite the military tribunals to speedily try suspected terrorists and where found guilty, sentence them to death.
Intelligence is important but so is the power of example. The clerical command and control of terror groups which show little interest in martyrdom for themselves, the spiritual leaders, blind sheiks, would-be Amirs, Saudi millionaire check writers and other gurus of terror, should simply be reclassified as military targets. We need to curtail the production of jihadis by destroying the political support systems that finance and indoctrinate terrorists instead of waiting until they vomit forth small armies that burrow into mid-sized towns or cities in the Muslim world. Better a few thousand dead Madrassa zealots scattered over the globe than thousands of civilian noncombatants every time when we have to dig out some bitter-end Islamist terror cell. Or our own citizen's bodies from plane wreckage or blown up buildings.
Moreover the case should be made openly, without apology, from the President on down to the humblest second lieutenant that so long as the Jihadis adhere to no precept of humanity, no standard of international law or laws of war, that no quarter will be given since they themselves give none. Transnational Progressive international law scholars and NGO activists want a double-standard where the U.S. is accountable to the most restrictive standards of military operation but our enemies are bound only by the limits of their reach. Let's give them a single moral standard where lawful foes who themselves respect Geneva are treated as POWs with full rights; those who do not are simply outlaws, on the same dead-end road once trod by pirates, slave traders and the Nuremburg criminals to the hang-man's rope or the firing squad.