The always ghoulish Abu Musab al-Zarqawi released a new tape
declaring that democratic governance itself was blasphemous and that everyone involved in the Iraqi election, candidates, election officials and voters - all of them - should be killed:
We have declared a bitter war against democracy and all those who seek to enact it....Democracy is also based on the right to choose your religion," [he said, and that is ]"
against the rule of God....Americans to promote this lie that is called democracy ... You have to be careful of the enemy's plots that involve applying democracy in your country and confront these plots, because they only want to do so to ... give the rejectionists[ Shiites?] the rule of Iraq. And after fighting the Baathists ... and the Sunnis, they will spread their insidious beliefs, and Baghdad and all the Sunni areas will become Shiite. Even now, the signs of infidelity and polytheism are on the rise....For all these issues, we declared war against, and whoever helps promote this and all those candidates, as well as the voters, are also part of this, and are considered enemies of God"
To further accent the point, Zarqawi's group beheaded a couple of hapless Iraqis.
The more I hear of Zarqawi's messages in context with his group's terror tactics the more he seems like a fetishistic serial killer using Islamist mummery as window dressing. All of the voters are enemies of God? Millions of fellow Arab Sunni Muslims ?
Say what you want about Osama bin Laden but he isn't out to annihilate his own people on a flimsy pretext by beheading them one or two at a time.
UPDATE: Also posting on the impish Mr. Abu Zarqawi....
Marc Shulman at the American Future...
a somewhat related tangent, TM Lutas....
Bill Roggio at Fourth Rail....
Robert Spencer at Jihad Watch.....
Evan Kohlmann at
Counterterrorism blog also has an image from the video...
Omar at Iraq the Model...
Peter Schramm at No Left Turns....
Dan at tdaxp ( new to the blogroll ! Welcome !) looks at the potential effects of Zarqawi's ranting...
Praktike at
Liberals Against Terrorism, asks if Zarqawi is a "Fascist "
Donald Sensing
thinks Zarqawi has been " suckered".