BAH! I'M RAMBLING TONIGHTAn exceedingly long and annoying day. Nothing like rolling in here at 9:30-10:00pm after getting up at 5 am. One of those
Parkinson's Law days when your reward for moving a prodigious amount of administrivia to your Out box is a new, even larger, pile for your In box.
On the positive side, I did talk on the phone with a friend I have not seen in some time and I also received the green light from my editor Bob on my next contribution to
The Rule-Set Reset. This was key because it also allows me to develop one of the alternative topics for another publisher and I can stop pondering and start writing. BTW, the second issue of RSR will, like the first, be free to download before the subscription jaws slam shut. I can promise if you do subscribe, your hard-earned dollars will be ploughed back into RSR to make it the interactive PNM vehicle that
The New Rule-Set Project partners envision it becoming and that fans of PNM will enjoy.
Had something of an important breakthrough today too on cognitive theory. I attribute this particular lightbulb popping in my head to the Boyd article below jogging my thoughts but I won't know if I have just reinvented the wheel until I do a little computer time on ERICsearch and a couple of other databases. I came up with this insight while sitting in a meeting where my presence was serving no constructive purpose whatsoever and it might make the nugget of a good journal article. Or at least a post here.
Ok, enough free-range blogging. Time to focus.