NATIONAL SECURITY ASSESSMENT RESOURCE AND COMPANION BLOGOne of the nicest things about developing a niche of specialization ( vertical action) in the blogosphere is that you then start to attract intelligent responses from a wider variety of fields ( horizontal reaction). I've established this relationship with
Tom Barnett and
Geitner Simmons and
Zenpundit is now attracting similar quality connections of its own. Generally, it is my policy not to quote on my blog on what is emailed to me unless I have at least the reader's implied consent to do so though I have accepted reader suggestions for topics from time to time ( I'm still working on Jacob H.'s
Wohlstetter post- a lot to read there before I start writing) with
Dave Schuyler as my most frequent email goad to good blogging discussions.
Dan at tdaxp too asks some great questions that spur thinking.
I'm pleased therefore to have such permission and draw your attention to
CITAR - The Center for Independent Threat Analysis and Research as well as its
official blog run by
Regan Walker, both of which I'm certain will prove to be a valuable resource for your own analytical efforts. CITAR meshes nicely with the PNM concept; Walker writes that:
" Currently I am working up a concept system for aggregating, formatting, storing, analyzing and plotting all events and occurrences using “filters” of globalization (security, economic, political, cultural, environmental, technological). This system will allow any user to look through historical and real-time data to make horizontal inferences about the events, where they may lead and how seemingly unrelated events can effect one another."A worthy intellectual project.
CITAR is also soliciting for article contributions for those of you interested in national security threat assessment ( I may submit one myself in the future, assuming I can get my head above water at work while meeting my present writing commitment to
The Rule-Set Reset). Expect both sites to appear on my blogroll soon.