NOW FOR SOMETHING COMPLETELY DIFFERENTOn a lark, I checked out some handguns today. When I was quite young, I was a crack shot with a small-bore rifle and was in a gun club that produced at least two national champions and one West Pointer. However, I haven't fired a gun of any kind in at least 15 years. I don't have any interest in hunting per se but I would like to try my hand again at some targets, this time with a pistol.
Wandering around
Gander Mountain amongst taciturn men with beards dressed in camouflage I found a prodigious display of
Smith & Wesson automatics of various calibers with a company representative on hand. What caught my eye, though, were the blocky
Taurus .44 magnums. A lot of heft and their
.45 was even larger - if just waving this pistol didn't scare away an intruder you could probably kill them simply by throwing it at their head.
Frankly, not being a " gun nut" and not really know that much about the fine points of handguns and since I'll need to apply for a FOID card first, I'm going to take my sweet time reading up before shelling out ( pun intended) $ 500-$800 for essentially a new and time-consuming amusement. If there are any gun aficianados out there with recommendations for something reliable, I'm all ears.