Sunday, February 20, 2005

On a lark, I checked out some handguns today. When I was quite young, I was a crack shot with a small-bore rifle and was in a gun club that produced at least two national champions and one West Pointer. However, I haven't fired a gun of any kind in at least 15 years. I don't have any interest in hunting per se but I would like to try my hand again at some targets, this time with a pistol.

Wandering around Gander Mountain amongst taciturn men with beards dressed in camouflage I found a prodigious display of Smith & Wesson automatics of various calibers with a company representative on hand. What caught my eye, though, were the blocky Taurus .44 magnums. A lot of heft and their .45 was even larger - if just waving this pistol didn't scare away an intruder you could probably kill them simply by throwing it at their head.

Frankly, not being a " gun nut" and not really know that much about the fine points of handguns and since I'll need to apply for a FOID card first, I'm going to take my sweet time reading up before shelling out ( pun intended) $ 500-$800 for essentially a new and time-consuming amusement. If there are any gun aficianados out there with recommendations for something reliable, I'm all ears.
hi John,

Thank you very much! Fortunately, there are two nearby gun ranges. There used to be an outdoor range for high-powered rifles but the land was bought up for housing developments.

Regarding the .22, what do you think of Ruger ?

Most unfortunately. Illinois is one of the most restrictive gun-control states in the Union. If Daley had his way, all guns would be outlawed but that legislation would never fly downstate. So, to get a conceal& carry permit here you must be a sworn police officer or licensed private detective or member of the military en route to duty.

Very tough laws on transporting guns as well which do a lot to harrass hunters but not much for Chicago's crime rate on the very scary West Side.
Hi Mark!

I am also considering a buying handgun. In Michigan we went through a liberalization of concealed weapons permits a few years ago, which led to the wailing on the part of police chiefs and liberals (how can they be called that?) as to the impending doom as people would shoot one another at the slightest provocation.

I am also looking for advice, but I have heard a few things from knowledgeable friends and through research:

1) I am very concerned about the safety of a gun in a house with young children. I understand that a revolver is the easiest weapon to secure and the most reliable. Being fairly low cost I may go with one of these to get the premits and training out of the way.

2) I also can't get my mind off an exotic piece from Israel called the Desert Eagle (originally designed as a military pistol for tank commanders with a phenomenal range (built like a tank - more like a handle held machine gun). It is available with a variety of interchangable barrels up to .50 caliber! Hardly practical, but if you are going to indulge.... Perhaps after getting a revolver and permits, it would be easier to justify and get permits for...
John and LC

Much thanks for the advice. I intend to take it slowly and do my homework first. One of the ranges nearby offers both gun rental and NRA gun safety instruction so I should be able to try my hand with a variety of weapons before settling on the one to buy.

Mostly my intent is target practice but there is always the worst-case scenario where there is no substitute for stopping power. Like Stuart, I have young children so gun safety is a must ( nor would I just rely on owning a gun, I have a security alarm system as well. I find redundancy to be a good operating principle).

Self-defense law isn't too bad in Illinois compared to some states, it is based on the the *perception* of the threat posed to the person acting in self-defense. Frequently prosecutorial discretion errs well on the side of homeowners as we still elect our states-attorney's here. Even Richie Daley tread lightly on this issue when he was a prosecutor
Here is my recomendation for a newbe. Smith,Ruger or Taurus revolver. I would get it in 5 shot .357 mag and a 2" or shorter barrel with a concealled hammer ie" s&w 649. For defense I would use Federal 38 +p hydro shocks or glasser safety slugs. I would also buy the same gun in .22 or as close as is offered by the same company. I like revolvers with concealed hammers because you can get off a few shots with the gun in a coat pocket with out having to draw the piece. You may not have time to draw, but you can usually have you hand in your pocket on the gun. With an auto you might get off one shot in a pocket but the gun will jam after that. For home defense a 12 ga with an 18" barrel beats a pistol every time. As far as your children a lock box or small safe works well. I trained my kids as soon as the could hold the gun. If you dont hide them and allow them to handle and use them with your help they won't be tempted to sneek a look when your out of the room.
For more news and information about browingcom gun safe. Have a look at this site browingcom gun safe. You may find it useful as well.
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