FIFTH GENERATION WAR IN THE OODA LOOPDan of tdaxp has picked up the 5GW ball where I left it yesterday and run downfield to the end zone. Dan
took some of my speculations from yesterday and employed a Boydian analysis of putting them into the Observe -Orient-Decide-Act (OODA) decision cycle of the great military theorist John Boyd. Aside from Dan's usual, sterling graphics he has brought out some exciting points about 5GW possibilities that I had missed. Some excerpts:
"War is going deeper into enemy minds. Every generation of warfare aims for deeper in the enemy's OODA loop...The 4th Generation of War redshifts deeper into the OODA loop. It slides into the "Observation" realm. If traditional war centered on an enemy's physical strength, and 4GW on his moral strength, the 5th Generation of War would focus on his intellectual strength. A 5th Generation War might be fought with one side not knowing who it is fighting. Or even, a brilliantly executed 5GW might involve one side being completely ignorant that there ever was a war. It's like the old question of what was the perfect robbery: we will never know, because in a perfect robbery the bank would not know that it was robbed. "Excellent thinking ! My Commentary:
*I had vaguely mentioned a move toward " shaping the battlespace" by which I meant preemptively seizing control of the power to determine Rule-sets, altering the physical settings and systems and preemptively influencing longitudinal cultural and political trends. Dan has correctly aligned this in the
OODA cycle as affecting the enemy's ability to " Observe" and illustrated the relationship with other generations of warfare.
* Dan's post seems to have the advantage of organizing the concepts in harmony with the ideas of
Sun-Tzu and
John Boyd.
* It occurs to me after reading Dan's post the that a very powerful shift of longitudinal perspective takes place. 4GW is
executed over a very long time frame, sometimes decades. 5GW is
conceived in terms of
strategic vision over an even longer time frame, sometimes before an opponent realizes that they will be an opponent but the execution time may be very short in comparison to 4GW. The operative question is probably whether the attacker or the defender has initiated 5GW - once you are already attacked you have missed your opportunity to shape the battlespace.
Great work Dan !