RECOMMENDED READINGThere will some more posting later today. Much later actually because I will soon be out on the lake cruising in a friend's boat drinking cocktails, enjoying the 80 degree blue sky weather and the bikini-clad scenery. Rough life I realize, but it can't all be PNM, obscure historical analogies and fourth generation warfare theory:
Chirol at
Coming Anarchy has begin an very intriguing series
on the nature of Second Generation Empire (2GE) - it is only at the preface stage but there's more to come.
Sam at
The Useless Tree and
PLS at
Whirledview lodge strong disagreements with the Gitmo policy, though for different reasons.
Bruce Kesler savages Hussein Jane FondaShoshanna at
Dreams into Lightning points to an article by
Samir Hassan at Friends of Democracy that undercuts the theological justification for jihad used by the Islamist terrorists.
Peter Lavelle's weekly round-up of
Russia experts discuss The Great Game.
Hoo-HA !