Tuesday, August 30, 2005

The German Left at any rate. It is a useful contrast to note the response of the American public and the Bush administration to the Tsunami disaster and the gloating combined with irrational malice in Germany's papers over hurricane Katarina. Can you imagine the U.S. doing anything but rushing aid to Germany in the advent of a natural disaster ? No wonder that sixty years later Germany's neighbors still do not trust her - with a mindset like this the old British adage that the Germans are either at your throat or on their knees makes a lot of sense. Let's all be glad of the wisdom that NATO showed in never allowing these people to have their own nuclear weapons.

Of these malevolent jackasses writing these editorials in Germany I wonder how many are alive only because we - we meaning the United States - kept their parent's generation from starving and freezing to death in the years following WWII when the Russians and the French would have been gleeful to see them go under ?
I'll be the first one to knock the outrageous anti-American bias and extreme left wing views ofthe German media, however, if I'm not mistaken, the data they're referring to when saying it was global warming is from MIT.

The Süddeutsche Zeitung uses its feature page as a defacto editorial by focusing on the hurricane as its theme of the day. Among its articles, it cites a study by US hurricane expert Kerry Emanuel of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology that shows a rising tendency for hurricanes that exactly reflects the curve of greenhouse gases. German scientists from the Max-Planck Institute hail the study as the first proof of a real link. "If this man-made warming continues, we will have to expect stronger storms in futur

Of course, the fact that that's the first thing in their news is another matter entirely. Those krauts!
Hmm, my quote didnt show up, here it is:

The Süddeutsche Zeitung uses its feature page as a defacto editorial by focusing on the hurricane as its theme of the day. Among its articles, it cites a study by US hurricane expert Kerry Emanuel of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology that shows a rising tendency for hurricanes that exactly reflects the curve of greenhouse gases. German scientists from the Max-Planck Institute hail the study as the first proof of a real link. "If this man-made warming continues, we will have to expect stronger storms in futur
Hi Chirol,

Ah, my spasm of nationalistic irritation has passed. ;o)

Global warming is of course a topic for legitimate policy discussion and there's lots of room to criticize the U.S. on greenhouse gas emissions.

Aside from the appropriateness of the timing and lack of human empathy for the dead, the hysterical outburst fails the logic test as well. I'm hardly an expert on global warming or weather modelling but I find it dubious that had George Bush not unsigned Kyoto that New Orleans would have been spared a hurricane. That's simply preposterous. The cause-effect timeline on *planetary systems*, even assuming everything climate activists do, is not that short. Kyoto, moreover, would not have remediated the CO2 problem given the exemptions awarded to China, India etc. Bailing a boat while knocking more holes in it will not stop the boat from sinking.

What we have is a media in Germany run by embittered '68'ers, who in their youth admired the East, now are so filled with rage and loathing for America that any pretext to lash out will do, even if it doesn't make much sense.

This is why I drew the comparison with historic Anti-semitism. Everything that is wrong in the world in the eyes of these people is America's fault ( or at least Bush's - depends on the day).

Sometimes we are at fault but perhaps the German press could have restrained itself for a few days while we're still trying to figure out the death toll and aid the survivors.
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