SKETCHING AN IDEAAs I am facing another long day and I'm tired to the point where stringing sentences together with any coherence is proving difficult, I thought I'd try an informal format and see what the resultant reaction might be from the readership. Here goes.....
Deep Influence Networks:Ideologist -------> Big Idea:Conceptual Reorganization within a vertical subfield or domain <--UtilityHorizontal Applications across domains <------ Strong Memetic appealRe-Framing old intractable questionsIs Big Idea Zero Sum or Nonzero Sum ?Simplification vs. ComplexityCultural universality vs. exceptionalityConflicting with or reinforcing of dominant societal worldview?Disciples<-------- Ideologist-------->PatronsFree-Scale Network builders vs. Free-scale Network providersCommunication Networks <----Big Idea ----> Insider Influencers( Wide Dispersal )_________________________( Targeted Dispersal)Passive Acceptance_________________________Active AdherencePassive Opposition__________________________Active OppositionQuestions:Allies - discrete category ?Closed vs. Open system Big Ideas ?COGNITIVE LINK:Just for fun,
Dan of tdaxp and his grad class
in what looks to psych theory.