Sunday, March 19, 2006

Scanning my blogroll, which kind of evolves in a meandering fashion, here is one of the informal topical groups that comes to mind:

Middle East/Islamic World/Islamism:

Abu Aardvark
Counterterrorism Blog
Crossroads Arabia
Iraq the Model
Juan Cole's Informed Comment
Martin Kramer
Middle East Perspectives <-- NEW !
Sic Semper Tyrannis

I'm opening up the floor for nominations for high quality, informative blogs that deal with the Middle East, particularly if they add balance or provide a completely different perspective from what I already have on my blogroll. No conspiracy theorists, please.

Ideally I'm looking to add 1-3 new ones. You can email me or leave a rec in the comments section. Zenpundit doesn't have a huge traffic ranking but it does get read occasionally in select quarters by some smart people so the bloggers will at least get that out of the link ( I grant you that I will probably get far more out of reading the new blogs but when situations mostly benefit me I tend to believe that all is right with the world).

Have you looked at Window on the Arab World, and More?
Depending on whether you're much interested in Lebanon, I'd recommend blissstreetjournal.blogspot.com or lebop.blogspot.com as possibilities. Also, angryarab.blogspot.com, for something rather politically different from what you've got. (He thinks Juan Cole is a bit too conventionally american in his politics. Also, he doesn't believe in paragraphs, which is too bad, because his big, long, convoluted screeds are by far his most interesting posts).
I forgot: Syria Comment. Indispensible.
Dave and Tom,

Much thanks !! I'll be adding some of your recs very soon.
Primo, Mark old man, have you checked out Aqoul's aggregator? A whole bunch of MENA blog's that my dear eerie likes show up there.

Secundo: as you are more the Blog Connaisseur than myself, where would you rap about our Aqoul masterpiece, the de-MEMRIzed Wafa Sultan transcript (http://www.aqoul.com/archives/2006/03/aljazeera_trans.php)

I think the MEMRI, well, deception, needs some talking up.
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