re: Cisco Follows IBM Infamy Of Oppression, Bruce Kesler
Uneducated, one-sided and sensationalistic. The capabilities described are not Cisco-specific, and could be created by a team of smart engineers using entirely open-source tools. Given China's heavy adoption of open-source, the same picture could have been painted with the open source community as El Diablo, instead of Cisco.
Come on Mark -- I don't expect you to propogate and reinforce pieces like that.
Given my computer knowledge is such that I only bothered to learn how to do a .jpg yesterday, I'll have to let you and Dan argue over the reasonability of the open-source analogy. If Stu or Jacob H. or Dr. Von are reading this, maybe you can jump in on that question.
On the matter of Bruce Kesler, yes he has a strong point of view on this topic - I post links to provocatively argued pieces purposefully. Bruce, aside from being a guy whom I know from experience does his homework, is making a moral argument here; perhaps somebody else could have done it ( I don't know) but CISCO *chose* to do so. It wasn't an act of providence nor of altruism so I think Bruce is correct to raise uncomfortable questons even if you think the IBM analogy itself is extreme or unfair to CISCO. The underlying question of " Was this the right thing to do ?" remains valid.