GUEST POSTING AT BEACONPaul D. Kretkowski, journalist and proprietor of
Beacon has
invited me to participate next weekin a blogging series to answer the question
" What was the best single episode of public diplomacy ever, and secondly, what has been the most influential element of soft power of all time?".
Kretkowski has assembled an impressive team of contributors and I'm flattered to be included amongst them. They are:
"—Former Foreign Service Officer and Public Diplomacy Reviewer John H. Brown—University of Leicester and USC professor Nicholas Cull—Former FSO and WhirledView contributor Patricia Kushlis—Harvard professor and Soft Power author Joseph Nye—Intel/military maven and ZenPundit founder Mark Safranski—CSU Fullerton associate professor and USC senior fellow Nancy Snow"
I will be linking to each contributor's post daily but I encourage you to visit Beacon and offer your comments on this important series.