DOES MY BLOG LOOK FLAT?After much procrastination, I finally broke down and bought a copy of
Thomas Friedman's The World Is Flat in the " 2.0" updated hardcover. I'm thinking of reading it back to back with
Richard Florida's The Flight of the Creative Class in order to have a "Flat vs. Spikey" comparison.
I have no strong opinion on Friedman. I found much to like in
The Lexus and The Olive Tree though at times, I also found passages in the book to be gratingly irritating which is why I put off reading
The World is Flat as long as I have. I have had some nice exchanges with Dr. Florida on his blog which means he is relatively accessible if I have questions while I am reading
The Flight of the Creative Class - an advantage that will no doubt be absent with Friedman.
If anyone out there has read both books -or either book for that matter - feel free to chime in now. I'd like to hear your opinion.