Thursday, January 04, 2007

It's that time again !

Top billing: IC veteran Michael Tanji of Haft of the Spear has joined Threatswatch and produced, with co-authors Marvin Hutchens and Steve Schippert, Achieving Victory in Iraq: A Center For Threat Awareness Report (PDF).

John Hagel of Edge Perspectives - " Gaming and Learning"

The Darwin Awards ( I love these)

The Edge Annual Question 2007: What Are You Optimistic About? Why?

That's it !

I'm optimistic about america coming to her senses
LOL! I'd have never pegged you for a member of the Buchanan Brigades lester.

Pat is an entertaining fellow. I've read the declassified memoranda he used to write to Nixon in the White House and several of his books. He's always turned a phrase well and has a real knack for identifying legitimate greivances or problems to serve as launching pads for his pet solutions.

OTOH what Buchanan knows about economics would fill a thimble - he has the paleocon delusion regarding markets that their rules should only function when we want them to (Nixon had the same delusion). Pat knows even less about China.

Great rhetoric cannot make up for weak analysis.
predictably condescending passive aggreesive response from the iraq war supporting neo con.

Pat is a lot more intelligent and popular than thomas pmbng barnett and can actually speak english.

read his analysis of the iraq war before and after and those of any of the think tank weenies you link on this board. he urinates on them from great height
Lester- I've been reading Buchanan for as long as he's been a post-Nixon columnist. I've read his books and and watched him for years on Crossfire and McLaughlin. I'm not dismissing him - I'm disagreeing with him *after having actually read his arguments*. A key distinction.

Have you have done the same for the people you regularly lambaste all over the blogosphere as "neocons" and " think tank weenies" ?
Yes. the first stuff I learned about the middle east was from dennis prager michael ledeen and those people. I've been unlearning that stuff for about twice as long now!

the first book I ever read on terrorism was laurie Mylroies "the war on america" which said that saddam hussein was behind the first WTC attacks and probably okhlahoma city.

So I tend to see them as more or less nuts. and they rarely dissapoint. I still read the weekly standard online sometimes. and i regularly harass the nibris kazimi of the talisman gate blog. he is a former INC member high on my s---list. also writes for the NYSun. so I know what's going on in that universe, though it is less influential and more esotieric by the day.
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