THE COMING OF THE MODULAR SUPERBOTSThis is some cool techno-foreshadowing that will warm the hearts of geeks, nerds and sci-fi aficianados everywhere. "
Superbots" - robotic modules demonstrating emergent behavior. To quote
Dr. Von:
"I just found it fascinating that these concepts are now being introduced and perfected in robotics, where a USC group is demonstrating that robotic modules can act independently, but when combined can communicate with each other, adapt, and perform multiple functions"Von
has posted and linked to a set of videos like
this one.
Now imagine this concept married to nanotechnology where each superbot is at the mirco- or nano- level, perhaps in a buckeyball design, and you have a collective superbot that could dynamically adapt to virtually any environment.
Labels: futurism, modularity, robotics, science