RECOMMENDED READINGStarting off as an " on the ground" edition.
Top Billing!: Steve DeAngelis blogs from Kurdistan "
An Overview of Kurdistan " and "
Resilience in Kurdistan". Steve's observations of " the other Iraq" mesh well with similar firsthand reports from
Chirol who
recently spent an extended time in Northeastern Turkey, Iraqi Kurdistan and the Caucasus ( yea, verily, up to the very border of Iran).
SWJ Blog has
LTC. Dave Kilcullen on "
Religion and Insurgency" and
Bing West's response "
A Quick Note on Religion and Insurgency" ( Note: West is a former Reagan administration Assist. SecDef and correspondent for
The Atlantic Monthly, recently returned from Iraq. Dr. Kilcullen is a State Department official, Australian counterinsurgency expert and an adviser to
General Petraeus).
Also from
SWJ Blog, blogfriend
Josh Manchester (formerly of "The Adventures of Chester" and
TCS) has his first post up "
The Strategic Corporal vs. The Strategic Cameraman".
Fabius Maximus at
DNI has started a new series "
What if bin Laden were smart, like Dr. No or Ernest Blofeld? or 28 Articles: a guide to a successful insurgency against America"
It's not so much that Bin Laden is a dope, clearly he isn't; it's that he and his insular cohorts have no real grasp on America, beyond what they read on the internet and get from American Islamists in al Qaida ( who converted because they were alientated and rootless individuals, seeking a lodestone by which to organize their lives). Bin Laden understands the U.S. almost as poorly as Bush officials understand intra-Islamic divisions.
Nezavisimaya Gazeta - "
Russia: anti-Americanism stake might fail"
That's it !
Labels: recommended reading